Job in Christianity

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Job in Christianity

Saint Job
Job restored to prosperity by Laurent de la Hyre
Prophet, Holy Forefather, 'Man of Patience'
Died Land of Uz (?)
Honored in Judaism
Feast Catholic Church (Roman Rite)
May 10
Armenian Church
August 30
May 9
Orthodox Church
May 6
Christianity accepts the Book of Job as canon in the Old Testament and thus contains the same information regarding Job as discussed above in the Hebrew Bible. In addition, Job is mentioned in the New Testament: the Epistle of James 5:11 cites Job as an example of perseverance in suffering. The New Testament also quotes and references the Book of Job throughout.
Job's declaration "I know that my Redeemer lives" (Job 19:25) is considered by some Christians to be a proto-Christian statement of belief, and is the basis of several Christian hymns.
He is commemorated as a patriarch by the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in their Calendar of Saints on May 9, and in the Calendar of saints of the Armenian Apostolic Church on August 30.


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