Science Fiction (Reality)

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Science Fiction (Reality)

From Project Gutenberg, the first producer of free ebooks.

Robots, nudes and spaceships, …
Robots, nudes and spaceships, …
… SF is more than that.
… SF is more than that.
Science Fiction (often called sci-fi or SF) is a popular genre of fiction in which the narrative world differs from our own present or historical reality in at least one significant way. This difference may be technological, physical, historical, sociological, philosophical, metaphysical, etc, but not magical (see Fantasy).

Science Fiction books from before the 20th century are listed on the page Precursors of Science Fiction. The cutoff is more by author than by date. Jules Verne (1828-1905) is usually considered the first modern SF author.
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The Project Gutenberg Science Fiction CD is is available via BitTorrent from The Project Gutenberg BitTorrent Tracker. See The CD and DVD Project: Downloading Via BitTorrent.


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